Birch – the most Russian of all trees

Birch trees grow not only in Russia, but 92% of all birch trees in the world grow in Russia – it really is the most “Russian” of all trees, which has deservedly become one of the symbols of our country. However, few people know that the value of this plant lies not only in the fascinating beauty of birch groves, but also in the complex of all biologically active substances contained in both bark and birch leaves. In particular, birch bark has a strong bactericidal effect, which was noticed even by our ancestors – that’s why, not only due to the availability of raw materials, birch baskets for storing food, for example, were so common in Russian life (food was stored longer in such utensils); as well as birch shoes, the famous Russian bast shoes that served a long time and did not decay. Due to its unique properties, birch has been helping Russians survive in the difficult climate for centuries.

Our dear friends and colleagues at Birch World have been researching the beneficial properties of birch bark extract for more than ten years. The film tells in an easy-to-understand and fascinating way how the Birch World company, which was founded more than ten years ago, appears in everyday life, based on the fact that birch bark utensils are unusually widespread. Our ancestors, engaged in scientific research and more and more discovering the unique properties of this type of plant material, finally confirmed with their conclusions that the popularity of birch bark among people is by no means accidental and not ancient prejudice. It turned out that birch bark extract is actually an excellent preservative and antioxidant, but not only that. As a result of long experiments and clinical studies, new, previously unknown properties of birch bark and an extract from it were also discovered, including the ability to cure many diseases, including those as severe as tuberculosis and hepatitis C. See the film to learn more.

Separately, it should be said that the company “Biozevtika” has long and successfully cooperated with the company “Berezovy Mir”, the flagship product of which is birch bark extract containing betulin – we know it well and know how to use it to prepare mixtures and compositions for various purposes. CO2 extracts are perfectly combined with betulin and products based on it, they complement each other and allow you to achieve a synergistic effect, significantly enhancing and expanding the final effect.

Among our finished joint developments there are already proven complex products, in particular, cosmetic mixtures based on CO2 extracts and betulin (more precisely, betulin-containing birch bark extract manufactured by the Berezovy Mir company, in which the main active ingredient is the ingredient betulin, but there are also other ingredients there are other biologically active compounds) that have an excellent rejuvenating effect on the skin and, moreover, and even more valuable, help to treat a number of skin diseases, including eczema.

Complex products based on betulin and extracts have also proven their worth in confectionery and baked goods. In this case, betulin increases the shelf life and prolongs the freshness of the product, and also gives the product a number of additional useful properties, including immunomodulatory properties. CO2 extracts impart any desired taste and smell to the product, inevitably adding new additional beneficial properties (remember that CO2 extract is a “3 in 1” product that combines the taste, smell and all the beneficial properties of the original plant material contains). In fact, due to the properties of the ingredients involved, baking based on CO2 extracts and betulin allows the final confectionery or bakery product to be classified as functional.

In addition to the cases described above, complex drugs based on betulin and CO2 extracts will show promise in many other areas of activity. In particular, our companies are now jointly developing novel complex ingredients for further production of various types of dietary supplements based on them – the results of these developments will be announced later; In the meantime, if you are interested in this topic, you can contact us and get detailed advice on the prospects for using such complex ingredients based on betulin and CO2 extracts, especially in your field of activity, for your company.