Allspice CO2 extract

Allspice, also known as Jamaica pepper, is the unripe berries of the Pimenta officinalis tree.

Allspice is one of the classic spices that arrived in Europe almost immediately after America was discovered. As a spice, it is recommended to use allspice CO2 extract for roasting meat and game, it is seldom used for cooking fish dishes. It is not uncommon for allspice to be found in marinades, in which you can also use a CO2 extract based on it. Allspice is sometimes found in confectionery recipes. We recommend using the CO2 extract from allspice, which more fully corresponds to the allspice oil in taste and aroma, in the formulations of liqueurs and classic chocolate.

It has now been proven that allspice has very pronounced bactericidal properties and therefore its extracts can be used in ointments for the treatment of wounds, especially contaminated ones. Allspice oil and CO2 extracts regulate the digestive process, prevent diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and pain in the stomach and intestines. Extracts help with rheumatic pain, arthritis, muscle cramps. The CO2 extract of allspice has the properties of a natural tonic and, like the natural fruits of medicinal allspice, can be considered a fairly strong antidepressant and aphrodisiac.

CO2 extract from allspice “Biozevtika” is an oily liquid of greenish color with a pleasant, pronounced, characteristic odor. In the course of chromatomass spectrometric investigations, several hundred compounds in the CO2 extract of the allspice were analyzed, of which more than 70 were identified.

Chart 1. The main components of the CO2 extract of allspice

Eugenol 52anti-inflammatory, analgesic. Warms, eliminates infections in the upper respiratory tract
Methyleugenol8Has a warming effect, promotes recovery after operations. Has pronounced antiviral, anti-abscess and anti-acne effects
Beta-caryophyllene 6Reduces anxiety and stress, a component of perfumery products
Myrcene   5,6Gastroprotector, diuretic, pacemaker
Eugenyl acetate4,1Antiviral, anthelmintic
Linoleic acid0,4An essential unsaturated fatty acid of the omega-6 class. It has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor, and aggregating effects. If there is no balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, competitive processes can arise that influence the metabolism
α-thujone0,04Antibacterial, fungistatic, virostatic effect. Helps reduce foot sweating

Cosmetics based on the CO2 extract of allspice are used in the manufacture of products for:

  • Fighting cellulite. It has a strong warming effect, stimulates capillary blood flow and metabolic processes in the skin
  • in products to improve the complexion
  • in hair care products as an ingredient that activates hair follicles and as an antiseptic that eliminates dandruff
  • in means to improve the structure of the skin. Allspice extract helps smooth wrinkles, scars, stretch marks
  • as an addition to massage creams

Chart 2. Application rates, recommendations for the use and storage of allspice CO2 extract

Food usage ratesItem А100: 0.005% (50g per ton)
Water-soluble microemulsions EMA1: 0.5% (5l per 1000l or 5ml per liter)
Application rates in cosmeticsItem А10: 1-3%
Item А100: 0.1-0.3%
Recommendations for useIt is recommended to add CO2 extracts in the final stages of preparation, in the cooling phase of the end product.
Storage InstructionsIt is recommended to store CO2 extracts in a closed container in a cool room and avoid direct sunlight.