Grape seed CO2 extract

To obtain this CO2 extract, dry red grape seeds are used as starting material.

CO2 grape seed extract has an even more pronounced therapeutic effect compared to grape seed oil because it contains a wider range of flavone compounds and phytosterols. In official medicine, the intake of grape seed oil was recommended primarily as a cosmetic product to increase the turgor of the dermis and stimulate collagen formation in the intercellular matrix.

It is now proven that the use of grape seed oil as a biologically active dietary supplement helps to heal erosions and ulcers in the stomach, quickly stop heartburn and relieve flatulence. Grape seed CO2 extract, when taken therapeutically, significantly improves immunity and reduces the risk of respiratory diseases. It is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon of a 10% solution of CO2 extract in edible oil on an empty stomach every morning 30 minutes before meals for a month and with a monthly break. When used externally, grape seed CO2 extract helps fight cellulite, improves blood circulation and fights varicose veins.

In cooking and food production, grape seed oil is rarely used and mainly used as a salad dressing. This is a big mistake because the smoke point of this oil is much higher than, for example, unrefined sunflower oil and is 2160°C. For comparison, the smoke point of other unrefined vegetable oils is not above 1700°C and the smoke point of refined oils is not much higher than that of grape seed oil and CO2 extract. At the same time, the biological activity of refined oils is minimal, and the benefits of their use in food are very conditional. Consequently, grape seed oil or common edible refined vegetable oils, with the addition of grape seed CO2 extract, are ideal for frying meat, fish and vegetables, give dishes additional nutty and creamy flavors and have beneficial properties.

Biozevtika CO2 extract of grape seeds is an oily liquid of golden color with a greenish tint, with a characteristic oily smell and slightly bitter, nutty taste.

Main components of grape seed CO2 extract

Beta-sitosterol66Estrogenic, anti-sclerotic, anti-prostate adenoma, endocrine system disorders, bacteriostatic
Stigmasterol11Antitumor, against arteriosclerosis, against stiffness, diarrhea
Quercetin (part of the complex – vitamin P)1,3Antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiallergenic
Resveratrol1,1Antioxidant, bactericidal
Lutein7Helps improve and maintain vision. Antioxidant. Lutein reduces the risk of cataracts and lens opacities and helps lower intraocular pressure. Prevents cell aging. Shows the activity of the female sex hormone
Beta-carotene (provitamin A)Strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of bacterial and viral infections. Active antioxidant. Is a natural UV filter for the skin. Improves the condition of the retina, increases visual acuity and slows down the development of cataracts and glaucoma
Vitamin K11,5Regulates blood clotting. It has a wound-healing effect and is used to treat ulcerative diseases of the mucous membranes of internal organs. Helps improve and accelerate the absorption of calcium by cells and tissues of the body. Neutralizes strong poisons and toxic substances that have a destructive effect on the cells of internal organs (especially the liver)
Vitamin K2Used for internal bleeding, accelerates skin regeneration,improves muscle tone. Normalizes calcium metabolism. Shows pronounced anti-oncological properties
Tocopherol (vitamin E)2,8Strong antioxidant prevents the formation of free radicals. Vitamin E actively participates in tissue regeneration and keeps skin young and healthy. Supports the function of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems

In cosmetics, CO2 grape seed extract is used in the following preparations:

Creams that have antioxidant and rejuvenating properties for the skin

– in creams to normalize lipid balance and protect the skin from harmful external influences

– in masks for the treatment of spider veins and varicose veins

– in creams for active moisturizing of dry skin and normalizing sebaceous gland function in problem skin, dry scalp

– in products to tighten pores, cleanse the skin of blackheads and combat inflammation

– in creams to restore the healthy appearance of the skin, give it additional softness and elasticity, and remove flakes

The beneficial properties of the lipophilic compounds contained in grape seeds have been known since the beginning of the Middle Ages. Back then, rich ladies often used grape seed oil to cleanse and disinfect the skin and make it velvety and soft. This application is due not only to the corresponding effect of grape seed oil on the skin, but also to the fact that this oil is absorbed almost immediately and does not leave a greasy film on the skin.