Dandelion root CO2 extract

To obtain a CO2 extract, dandelion root is used as a starting material. 

In official medicine, lipophilic extracts of dandelion roots are not used and, accordingly, there are no data on their pharmaceutical value. However, in folk medicine, such products are often used to treat a number of diseases. Of course, the largest amount of biologically active lipophilic compounds characteristic of lipophilic extracts of dandelion root is contained in CO2 extracts. The most pronounced pharmaceutical property of dandelion root CO2 extract is its analgesic and relaxing effects. Therefore, it is recommended for the treatment of back, joint and muscle pain. The relaxing effect is used in the treatment of coughs. This extract detoxifies the liver and normalizes insulin production by the pancreas. When taken internally, it has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, heals ulcers, relieves inflammation and pain. The extract relieves swelling and improves immunity.

Dandelion root and the CO2 extract obtained from it are rarely used in cooking and food production. This is probably due to their high price and their very limited production. It is quite possible that dandelion CO2 extract can be considered a functional component of innovative biologically active dietary supplements, functional foods and beverages in the future.

Biozevtika CO2 extract of dandelion root is an oily liquid of yellowish-brown color with a bitter, characteristic odor.

Main components of dandelion root CO2 extract

Letitsin3,1Reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Improves brain functions – memory, thinking ability. Helps improve mood
Lutein0,8Antioxidant. Restores the macula and retina of the eye. Helps prevent the occurrence of cancer in the reproductive organs
Taraxesterol0,3Choleretic, appetite stimulating, promotes intestinal motility
Beta-sitosterol0,3Activates immune function, prevents the development of cancer cells, maintains prostate health, regulates cholesterol levels, normalizes blood sugar,
Stigmasterin0,3improves the condition during colds. Fights fungi, viruses, bacteria, inflammation,
Araksol0,4Stimulates the central nervous system, regulates fat metabolism, cardiotonic. Liquefies mucus, has an expectorant effect and makes it easier to remove mucus from the bronchi
Palmitic acid9,2Helps with inflammation and stimulates the regeneration of the body’s mucous membranes and also maintains healthy and youthful skin. Omega-7 acid
Linoleic acid1,3An essential unsaturated fatty acid of the omega-6 class. It has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and aggregating effects. If there is no balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, competitive processes can occur that influence metabolism
Gamma-linolenic acid0,6Refers to Omega-3 acids. Improves condition. An unsaturated essential fatty acid from the omega-3 fatty acid class. It has membrane-protecting and angioprotective effects. Immunomodulating, improves brain metabolism

In cosmetics, CO2 extract from dandelion root is used in the following preparations:

– moisturizing creams and masks, especially for dry and normal skin

– Lotions to combat acne and pigment spots

– nourishing and rejuvenating masks for all skin types

– Lotions to remove make-up and impurities with a moisturizing effect

– in masks to strengthen hair roots and combat dandruff

Dandelions grow almost throughout Europe, in Siberia, in the Far East all the way to Kamchatka.